Hello lovelies :D, today I have for you another neutral/nude make-up look :D using the NYX Nude on Nude palette :D. Review on the palette coming soon :D. Hope you like it :D xoxo
The look is simple, a gold color on the lid, a matte brown in the crease and a dark shimmery brown in the outer corner :D.
All make-up related , tutorials, pictures, products used, tips and tricks , enjoy !
luni, 5 decembrie 2011
joi, 1 decembrie 2011
Castigatoare Concurs Make-up Fantezie
Nu, nu va joaca mintea feste :)) chiar anunt intr-un final castigatoarele concursului meu. Dupa multe multe muuulte zile si multe prelungiri, am reusit sa strang 10 fete si sa aleg castigatoarele. Imi cer mii de scuze k v-am tinut atat de mult in suspans, insa chiar nu am avut ce face, daca nu strangeam 10 participante, se anula concursul si decat sa il anulez si sa munciti degeaba, l-am tot prelungit in speranta k se mai inscriu fete :D si s-au m-ai inscris.
Felicitari castigatoarelor, ati facut niste machiaje superbe care merita toate laudele :D.
Pentru restul fetelor, ce pot sa zic, imi pare rau ca nu va pot alege pe toate, mi-au placut toate la nebunie si don't worry :D o sa mai organizez astfel de concursuri cat de curand.
Restul participantelor (in ordine aleatorie)
Soooo, without further ado :D Castigatoarele sunt:
Premiul 1 cu coronita :)):
Premiul 2 cu felicitari:
Si premiul 3 cu stelutze :))
Felicitari castigatoarelor, ati facut niste machiaje superbe care merita toate laudele :D.
Fetelor pentru a va lua premiile, trimite-ti mail celor de la Cosmetic Style ( cosmetic.style@yahoo.com ) cu numele si adresa completa si produsele pe care le doriti de pe site.
Pentru restul fetelor, ce pot sa zic, imi pare rau ca nu va pot alege pe toate, mi-au placut toate la nebunie si don't worry :D o sa mai organizez astfel de concursuri cat de curand.
Restul participantelor (in ordine aleatorie)
luni, 28 noiembrie 2011
Sigma Make Me Up travel kits
Hello lovelies :D just wanted to show you the new travel kits from Sigma :D
Sigma Beauty's best selling Make Me Up Collection is now available as travel-size kits! The Sigma Beauty Make Me Up - Travel Edition was specially designed for a fun, yet practical makeup application. This kit contains seven travel-size brushes from our best-selling Essential Kit (E30 Pencil, E40 Tapered Blending, E55 Eye Shading, E65 Small Angle, F30 Large Powder, F40 Large Angled Contour, and F60 Foundation).
The Make Me Up - Travel Edition collection features four colorful travel kits: Make Me Blush (coral), Make Me Crazy (purple), Make Me Classy (black) and Make Me Cool (aqua). The brushes come in the traditional Make Me Up container that turns into two brush holders to keep you stylish and organized on the go.
Sigma Beauty's best selling Make Me Up Collection is now available as travel-size kits! The Sigma Beauty Make Me Up - Travel Edition was specially designed for a fun, yet practical makeup application. This kit contains seven travel-size brushes from our best-selling Essential Kit (E30 Pencil, E40 Tapered Blending, E55 Eye Shading, E65 Small Angle, F30 Large Powder, F40 Large Angled Contour, and F60 Foundation).
The Make Me Up - Travel Edition collection features four colorful travel kits: Make Me Blush (coral), Make Me Crazy (purple), Make Me Classy (black) and Make Me Cool (aqua). The brushes come in the traditional Make Me Up container that turns into two brush holders to keep you stylish and organized on the go.
Miss Ellie giveaway
Miss Ellie organizeaza un giveaway :D cu mult dorita palta de la Urban Decay Naked :D:D
Click pe poza pentru detalii :D
Click pe poza pentru detalii :D
vineri, 25 noiembrie 2011
New year's eve make-up ideas
Hello my lovelies, long time no see, I know. I'm sorry I've been MIA lately, I wasn't in the mood to do anything...just going through a faze. But I'm back now and ready to post frequently :D. So...today I have for you the begining of a new series :D...I want my make-up look for New year's eve to be stunning so, I decided to try out some looks, let my imagination do all the work and see which one is the best fo NYE :). This is the first one I came up with :D what do you all think? You NEED to help me and give me ideas :D. Comment and be my inspiration :D
Xoxo :)
Xoxo :)
joi, 3 noiembrie 2011
Mentiune la concursul magic :D
Hello lovelies, pentru ca am postat acum ceva timp despre concursul Magical Makeup, acum postez si look-ul cu care am participat si am castigat mentiune :D:D:D. So...tema concursului era sa reproducem unul din machiajele create de Andreea :D. Eu mi-am ales un machiaj care sa imi puna ochii in evidenta si...cum am ochii caprui, am cautat ceva cu mov :D
Poza de inspiratie:
Si machiajul meu :D
Sper sa va placa :D xoxo
Poza de inspiratie:
Si machiajul meu :D
miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011
Magical Make-up Primul Concurs Magic
Hello lovelies, astazi am un nou concurs pentru voi, un concurs la care ma inscriu si eu :D, cu premii incredibile :D si ar fi foarte simpatic sa va inscrieti si voi.Magical MakeUp Concurs E foarte usor de realizat si va permite sa va alegeti ce look sa faceti. Dupa ce se vor anunta castigatoarele, voi posta si eu machiajele cu care am concurat. Incercati-va si voi norocul, nu aveti nimic de pierdut, decat de castigat...si daca nu premiu, macar experienta si...ce e cel mai important....va distrati cu machiajele :D. Pupici
vineri, 21 octombrie 2011
Korean Goodies :D
Hello ladies, today I have something for you that’s out of my comfort zone...not make-up, but fashion :D. I just found out about a Korean site that ships internationally :D wohooo. I’m soo so excited about this site, because they have amazing clothes and accessories at amazing prices. The site is called RisingTaste and they have a large variety of clothes, shoes, accessories, you just have to browse through all of their pages and I’m certain you will find something amazing for you. I will show you some of my favorite picks, to give you an idea of what’s on the site: (click on the pics for a direct link to the items on the site)
Double-breasted Pockets Long Wool Coat White |
Korea Style Leisure Lapel Collar Coat Black |
Korea Style Casual Double-breasted Trench Coat Yellow |
Reflexed Fur Wedge Heel Short Boots Brown |
Korean Grace High Heel Belted Short Boot Black |
Vintage Rhinestone Embellished Owl Long Necklace Bronze |
Cute Lock and Key Sweater Chain Silver |
Elegant Violin Clavier Sweater Chain Pink |
Ok so these are just a small part of what the site has to offer....you can find blouses, skirts, pants, jackets, blazers, shoes, and my favorite part, accessories. I mean, look at the owl necklace :)) for those who are familiar with Avon...these are a lot cuter and cheaper :D. So...my advice...check the site out...you might fall in love with some of their stuff. Xoxo
sâmbătă, 8 octombrie 2011
Halloween make-up series: MERMAID
luni, 3 octombrie 2011
Concurs Make-up Fantezie Katelynn Rose & Cosmetic Style
Hello lovelies,
Daca acum ceva timp eram fericita castigatoare a unui concurs de machiaj organizat de CosmeticStyle, astazi sunt fericita sa anunt ca organizez si eu un astfel de concurs, sponsorizat de ei. Eh...eh....va intereseaza? :D:D. Eu una sunt foarte entuziasmata si tin sa le multumesc celor de la Cosmetic Style pentru aceasta oportunitate.
So...sa trecem la concursul in sine. Perioada de desfasurare este incepand de azi 03.10.2011 pana pe 30.11.2011. Aveti timp destul sa va puneti imaginatia la incercare si sa creati ceva superb. De ce zic sa va puneti imaginatia la incercare? Pentru ca tema concursului este legata de numele blogului meu Katelynn Rose Makeup Artist. Oare ghiciti ce cuvant??? Rose :D trandafiri :D. Sunt florile mele preferate si cum alte idei mai geniale nu aveam, am zis k un machiaj inspirat din trandafiri ar fi destul de simpatic. Partea care o sa va puna la incercare este poza de inspiratie:
Un trandafir desenat de mine in creion....alb negru....voi va trebui sa reproduceti acel trandafir, sau sa va inspirati din el si sa creati un machiaj fantezie, in ce culori doriti. Se apreciaza creativitatea si nota artistica pe care o veti da.
Voi alege castigatoarele impreuna cu cei de la Cosmetic Style iar premiile sunt vouchere cu care puteti comanda produse de pe site-ul lor.
Premiul 1: voucher in valoare de 80 de lei
Premiul 2: voucher in valoare de 60 de lei
Premiul 3: voucher in valoare de 40 de lei.
Iata si cateva din sugestiile mele, ce ati putea sa comandati de pe site:
Paleta Sleek Oh So Special:
Click pe poza pentru link |
Paleta Sleek Original
Click pe poza pentru link |
Trusa de fard Beauties Factory
Click pe poza pentru link |
Pentru a participa la acest concurs trebuie totusi sa indepliniti cateva reguli
1. Trebuie sa imi urmariti blogul prin GFC (google friend connect, dreapta sus)
3. Trebuie sa dati like paginii celor de la Cosmetic Style.
4. Trebuie sa postati pe blog sau pe facebook despre acest concurs si sa imi trimiteti linkul cu postarea respectiva.
5. Trebuie sa imi trimiteti mail pe adresa wildrose4991@yahoo.com (iar la CC sa puneti adresa celor de la Cosmetic Style cosmetic.style@yahoo.com ) care sa contina:
1. Nume GFC
2. Nume facebook
3. Linkul cu postarea
4. O arhiva cu pozele cu machiajul***
*** Arhiva cu pozele trebuie sa contina:
O poza full face in timpul machiajului, o poza full face cu machiajul terminat si cu un biletel pe care sa scrie “Concurs Fantezie Katelynn Rose & Cosmetic Style”
Si 2 poze close-up cu machiajul, una cu ochii deschisi una cu ochii inchisi.
miercuri, 28 septembrie 2011
E.L.F giveaway winners :D part 2
Pentru ca ieri nu m-a contactat castigatoarea aleasa de mine sa imi trimita datele, am fost nevoita sa aleg alta castigatoare, si voi face la fel pana o sa imi trimita cineva datele :)). So...lista e aceeasi iar noua castigatoare este
Lucky number 40
Felicitari Adryana :D sper ca tu sa imi trimiti datele pe mail (wildrose4991@yahoo.com ).
Lucky number 40
Felicitari Adryana :D sper ca tu sa imi trimiti datele pe mail (wildrose4991@yahoo.com ).
marți, 27 septembrie 2011
E.L.F giveaway winners :D
Hello lovelies, iata ca momentul mult asteptat a sosit, premierea castigatoarei giveaway-ului sponsorizat de E.L.F Romania :D wohooo :D.
In primul rand vreau sa va multumesc tuturor ca v-ati inscris in numar asa de mare :D si va promit ca vor mai exista giveaway-uri si concursuri de genul :D, mai ales pentru fetele care nu au avut noroc sa castige.
Deci, fara sa mai stam la prea multe discutii :)), lista cu participantele :D (se vede cam nasol, dar se intelege)
Siii castigatoarea este :D
Felicitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariiii :
Alina Alexandra :D
Ai la dispozitie pana maine sa imi trimiti pe mail (wildrose4991@yahoo.com) adresa completa ca sa o pot da celor de la E.L.F sa iti trimita produsele. Felicitari inca odata :*:*:*
In primul rand vreau sa va multumesc tuturor ca v-ati inscris in numar asa de mare :D si va promit ca vor mai exista giveaway-uri si concursuri de genul :D, mai ales pentru fetele care nu au avut noroc sa castige.
Deci, fara sa mai stam la prea multe discutii :)), lista cu participantele :D (se vede cam nasol, dar se intelege)
Click pe poza pt zoom :D |
Siii castigatoarea este :D
Felicitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariiii :
Alina Alexandra :D
Ai la dispozitie pana maine sa imi trimiti pe mail (wildrose4991@yahoo.com) adresa completa ca sa o pot da celor de la E.L.F sa iti trimita produsele. Felicitari inca odata :*:*:*
duminică, 25 septembrie 2011
Back to school series
Hello lovelies, I decided to do a "back to school series"...even if it's a little too late for some, I start school in a week :D, so I said why not :D. Today I have for you 2 makeup looks :D, for brown and blue eyes. They are simple looks, perfect for school as well as for everyday :D. Hope you like them. Let me know if I should to a full face too :D. xoxo
Ok so this one you've already seen, but I do think it's the perfect look for brown eyed girls to wear to school, it's simple, quick to do and makes your eyes sparkle. :D
The blue eye one, I thought I should do again a simple look, but trying to make the eyes look more awake, no harsh lines, no crazy liner, just soft colors, silver and a touch of pink :D.
Enjoy :D please try them out :D
The blue eye one, I thought I should do again a simple look, but trying to make the eyes look more awake, no harsh lines, no crazy liner, just soft colors, silver and a touch of pink :D.
Enjoy :D please try them out :D
vineri, 23 septembrie 2011
Bianca's having a giveaway too :D
hello lovelies :D here's another giveaway that you can enter to win E.L.F products :D
Happy Day :D
Hello ladies, today is the happiest day of my life :D . Why? Because I found out that I am the lucky winner of a make-up contest held by Cosmetic Style and Georgia’s Mirror. Wohoooo :D this is the first contest that I actually won :D so I decided to show you my entry :D.
The theme was to create a make-up look inspired by Georgia’s Mirror Blog banner
Click on the banner to visit her blog |
:D and since I won, I think I did a pretty good job :D What do you all think? Xoxo
Again I'm really happy that I won :D. You all should check out her blog, she is a sweet talented girl that has a beautiful blog about fashion, makeup and others.
miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011
F.O.T.D: Natural Eye
Hello ladies, I wanted to show you my everyday natural make-up look. It's a simple yet sophisticated brown smokey look, perfect for brown or hazel eyes. It makes your eyes look beautiful, without overdoing it. No liner, just mascara and both shimmery and matte colors.
To create this beautiful look I used the Too Faced Natural eye palette
I applied Silk Teddy on the lid, blended Velvet Revolver in the crease, a touch of Erotica on the outer half of the lid and Cocoa Puff in the outer corner, smoking it all out. As a highlight under the brow I used Heaven and to line my upper and lower lash line I used again Cocoa Puff.
Hope you like it :D. Comment and let me know what you think :D.xoxo
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